Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer is here...

Summer is finally starting. 
I finished my 280 hour internship at AcV2 architecture last Wednesday, but I stuck around until the end of the week because AIA Design in the Hills event was taking place and I figured it would be a good experience, I was right. I met a lot of different types of designers and architects at the event that were very interested in my education and willing to help in future projects. This is something different I have found compared to east river, west river design professionals are way more approachable and more than willing to help you continue or better your education which is so nice to have the network. Not only meeting these professionals was a great experience, but so were the presentations of Pecha Kucha, Allen Freeland's USGBC presentation on sustainability, touring downtown Rapid City, and Dick Termes' 6 point perspective workshop (lord help me I never have to do that again, it makes you weird). It was a great experience and for sure made new friends. 
As for the internship in general, I loved all the cake, Murphey's, Dakota Soda, and candy consumed. BUT I loved spending it with Patrizzle and Oh. Em. Gee. the most! I experienced more than I would have ever thought at an internship and it really opened my eyes to what to expect in the real world of interior design and architects, not to mention not all architects are the devil like we all thought here at SDSU. I may be a little biased, but I think out of us all I got the best experience with the ladies and they treated me like a princess and not just someone to do weenie work because I rarely did weenie work. I got to work on 3 residential projects dealing with remodels and add on's, I dipped my toes in on a few commercial projects, a LEED/restoration project, a hotel patio, and a few little other things. Work on means I built 3-D SketchUp models, assisted in picking materials, did space planning, corresponded with rep's, ordered materials, organized promotional material, made promotion material, and went to client meetings and construction  administration meetings. These are all things I would never have understand if I wasn't exposed to them by Patri and Emily, they really took me under their wings and included me in everything. I get a little teary eyed knowing that I am not on a vacation or going back there, I really think that they need to move to Brookings ;). They have so many projects and so much work I am really happy to see a business of two women going far and having so much talent. I believe that Emily and Patri handle it so well and are so good at what they do, it really shows in their projects and all of the projects that are coming at them. 
Now that I have finished I have a 100 page binder to finish and organize with the work I produced at AcV2, my homework assignments, and my reflection journal. Also sending out my thank you's to the girls next week! Here is a photo that will be included in the binder to be displayed on a bulletin board at SDSU showing where we all did our internships. Okay, just kidding, I'll pick a different one but this cracks me up and it just shows how fun my internship was! I will miss Patri saying poopy, eating reese's pieces, and getting calls that something happened to her girls like getting bit or pushed haha and I will no doubt miss how exclusive Emily is, her casserole salads, and Tootie. Also John (Patri's husband) coming in and helping out while chowing down on all the food. I will make sure I have giggle time at 2:30 everyday. Thank you both for helping me with my education and making me laugh and not to mention sharing both your families with me. Expect something in be mail next week sometime, you can fight over who has to go get it from the front desk. Back to being the intern Emmie.   

After 8 fillings, a few days with my family, and my boyfriend coming to visit I am back in Brookings kind of searching for a job, preparing for school mentally (even though it is like a month away), going to some weddings, going to the farm, and waiting for cable and internet to be hooked up on Sunday (thank God!!) Who knows what is next?!  Here are some photos of where I worked and the materials library I made for them!

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