Monday, May 14, 2012

Done and over!

Back from NYC and couldn't be happier! Let's recap what happened while my internet at the crappy hotel was down. Friday we went to Material Connextion and looked at materials that our professors want us to write a paper about to maybe persuade SDSU/the library to purchase as a resource for us. Yes, it was pretty sweet and would be great to use to order materials but lets be honest....SDSU could give two craps less about the interior design program but we will try. After that we made our way to Frank Lloyd Wright's museum/building the Guggenheim. It was pretty sweet to check out one of his sweet buildings but the exhibit was was lame. Crushed cars to me I cannot connect with to make art or at least taking money from people to look at when I could go behind the farm and see all the smushed scrap metal and it look relatively the same at the low price of nothing...Any who Saturday we packed up that morning (finally slept in) and got picked up at 12:30, handed in our sketch books to be graded on the plane, and left JFK at 3:40 we were all more than a little excited to get home. Half of the group was hungover or just plain ready to get home (aka:me) We had an hourish lay over in Minneapolis and enough time to grab some food, go potty, and relax a little before our 31 minute flight to Sioux Falls. Arriving in Sioux Falls I was greeted by the smiling face of my boyfriend who I could not have been more ecstatic to see! We then went to dinner and I was starving as I don't eat on trips and that day was rather long. The next day I woke up at about 6:45am put my clothes on and grabbed some mothers day flowers for Pauls mom and hauled my way out to the farm with the windows down, country music up, and my boots on! Not to mention I pretty much balled the whole way because I was sooooo happy to be back and not around rude people, busy streets, no grass, no sun, and on a schedule. Not to mention see the whole Prunty family! I cleaned myself up and went out and talked with the pigs. The whole day we worked ground and talked the whole time about everything you could think of. I could have not asked for a better first day back. You really do not realize what you need to appreciate until it is gone. I cannot say enough that I really feel like this is where I belong and that I will not be a big city girl for life like everyone expected. It is so funny how life happens and things can change you for the better and the experiences you get are lifelong impacting. I will spend the next two week here in Brookings moving to the new apartment, spending an official 1 whole year with my love Paul E. Pants, seeing my parents and doing what is left of my travel study homework then back to Rapid City for my internship. Here are the last photos from the trip. See ya never NYC. 

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